Contact Us
New to church and wanting to know more about the different groups and services we offer? Need to arrange a wedding, funeral or baptism? Or are you interested in hiring the church or the church centre for a function? Whatever your query, feel free to contact us using holytrinityrainow@gmail.com or via the form below:
If you would like to donate, you can follow this link or use the QR code below:

If, however, you have a specific enquiry for Simon and/or the churchwardens, you can contact them using the following details:
Reverend Simon Gowler
Email: revdsimongowler@gmail.com
Tel: 01625 572013
The Vicarage
Pedley Hill
SK10 5TZ
Church Warden
Anne Johnson
Get Social!
If you'd like to follow the church on Facebook then just click on the link here:
There are lots of great groups and services in the village. Here are a selection of websites and social media pages that you may be interested in.
Rainow Mothers' Union also has a dedicated Facebook page here:
The Rainow Parish Council website can be found here.
The Outstanding Rainow Primary School website can be found here, and their Twitter feed is here:
There is also a Friends of Rainow School Facebook page that is run by parents for parents. That can be found here:
The Outstanding Rainow Pre-School website can be found here.